This note compares several statistical methods for detecting differences in failure rates between two groups. We explore Fisher’s exact test, the Chi-squared test, and a Bayesian Monte Carlo approach, focusing on their conceptual simplicity, visual interpretability, and insights into uncertainty.

Imagine having two sets of samples, each undergoing a pass-fail test. The observation is summarized in the contingency table below. Our goal is to determine whether these groups have significantly different failure rates.

  Group 1 Group 2
Pass $29$ $14$
Fail $6851$ $4030$

Statistical Tests

Fisher’s Exact Test

This method computes the exact probability of observing our sample counts under the assumption of equal failure rates.

  Group 1 Group 2
Pass $a$ $c$
Fail $b$ $d$

The probability for the observed contingency table is

\[p = \frac{\left(\begin{array}{c} a+b\\b\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{c} c+d\\c\end{array}\right)}{\left(\begin{array}{c} a+b+c+d\\a+c\end{array}\right)}=\frac{(a+b)!(a+c)!(b+d)!(c+d)!}{a! b! c! d! (a+b+c+d)!}.\]


\[\left(\begin{array}{c} n\\m\end{array}\right)=\frac{n!}{m!(n-m)!} \notag\]

is the binomial coefficient, which is the number of ways to choose an unordered subset of $m$ elements from $n$ elements.

In order to obtain the $p$-value, we need to add up the probabilities of the contingency tables that have counts that are more extreme. The following example shows how to calculate it using scipy. The $p$-value obtained is $0.64$, which implies that the failure rate is not statistically different between the two groups.

from scipy.stats import fisher_exact
count1 = 29
nobs1 = 6880
count2 = 14
nobs2 = 4044

fisher_exact([[count1, nobs1-count1], [count2, nobs2-count2]], alternative='two-sided')
SignificanceResult(statistic=1.218487394957983, pvalue=0.6360414756991858)

Chi-squared Test

Here, we derive the Chi-square test. The contingency table is rewritten in terms of failure rates $p_1$, $p_2$, and the number of observations $n_1$, $n_2$, for Group 1 and Group 2.

  Group 1 Group 2
Pass $n_1 p_1$ $n_2 p_2$
Fail $n_1 (1-p_1)$ $n_2 (1-p_2)$

The null hypothesis assumes that both groups have the same proportion, which is the pooled proportion.

\[\hat{p} = \frac{n_1 p_1 + n_2 p_2}{n_1 + n_2} \label{eqn:pooled_p}\]

The contingency table showing the expected counts becomes

  Group 1 Group 2
Pass $n_1 \hat{p}$ $n_2 \hat{p}$
Fail $n_1 (1-\hat{p})$ $n_2 (1-\hat{p})$

When the counts are sufficiently large, the sum of the squared difference between the observation and expectation, normalized by the expectation, is approximately from the Chi-squared distribution:

\[\begin{align}\label{eqn:chi-squared} \chi^2 & = \frac{(n_1 p_1 - n_1\hat{p})^2}{n_1\hat{p}} +\frac{(n_2 p_2 - n_2\hat{p})^2}{n_2 \hat{p}}\\ \notag & +\frac{\left[n_1(1-p_1)-n_1(1-\hat{p})\right]^2}{n_1(1-\hat{p})} +\frac{\left[n_2 (1-p_2)-n_2(1-\hat{p})\right]^2}{n_2\hat{p}}. \end{align}\]

Combine Equations ($\ref{eqn:pooled_p}$) and ($\ref{eqn:chi-squared}$​), we have

\[\chi^2 = (p_1-p_2)^2/\sqrt{\frac{2\hat{\sigma}^2}{\hat{n}}},\label{eqn:chi2}\]


\[\hat{\sigma}^2 = \hat{p} (1-\hat{p}),\notag\]


\[\hat{n} = \frac{2}{1/n_1 + 1/n_2}. \notag\]

$\hat{n}$ is the harmonic mean of $n_1$ and $n_2$, and is more heavily affected by the smaller value of $n_1$ and $n_2$.

Assuming equal variance of both populations and estimating variance using pooled proportion $\hat{p}$​, the variance of each subpopulation is

\[\sqrt{\frac{\hat{p} (1-\hat{p})}{\hat{n}}}. \notag\]

The difference in proportion between the two subpopulations has a standard deviation, denoted as ${\sigma}’$. It’s calculated as:

\[{\sigma}' = \sqrt{\frac{2}{\hat{n}} }\hat{\sigma}=\sqrt{2\frac{\hat{p} (1-\hat{p})}{\hat{n}}}=\sqrt{\hat{p} (1-\hat{p})\left(\frac{1}{n_1}+\frac{1}{n_2}\right)} \notag\]

The $z$-score, denoted as $z$, is then calculated as:

\[z = \frac{p_1 - p_2}{\sigma}'. \label{eqn:z-score}\]

The $\chi^2$ statistic in Equation ($\ref{eqn:chi2}$) is the square of the $z$-score. We can determine the $p$-value by looking at the tail area of the normal distribution using this $z$-score.

To illustrate, using the the $z$-score in Equation ($\ref{eqn:z-score}$) and chi2_contigency function from scipy, we calculate a two-sided $p$-value. In this case, both methods yield a $p$-value of $0.544$, suggesting there’s no significant difference in failure rate between the two groups.

from scipy.stats import norm
p1 = count1/nobs1
p2 = count2/nobs2
# pooled mean
p = (count1 + count2)/(nobs1 + nobs2)
#pooled sigma
sigma = np.sqrt( p*(1-p)*(1/nobs1+1/nobs2))
z_score = (p1-p2)/sigma
pvalue = 2*(1-norm.cdf(z_score))
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
chi2_contingency([[count1, count2],[nobs1-count1, nobs2-count2]], correction=False)
Chi2ContingencyResult(statistic=0.36852047306165053, pvalue=0.543811843593666, dof=1, expected_freq=array([[  27.08165507,   15.91834493],[6852.91834493, 4028.08165507]]))

Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain Method

The Bayesian approach estimates the posterior distribution of the failure rate from the observed data and a prior using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. The following code uses the PyMC package for Python to calculate the posterior distributions of the failure rate. Uninformative priors are used.

import pymc as pm
model = pm.Model()

with model:
    p1 = pm.Uniform('p1', lower=0, upper=1)
    p2 = pm.Uniform('p2', lower=0, upper=1)
    obs1 = pm.Binomial('obs1', n=nobs1, p=p1, observed=count1)
    obs2 = pm.Binomial('obs2', n=nobs2, p=p2, observed=count2)

with model:
    samples = pm.sample()
Figure 1. Markov Chain Monte Carlo samples and the resulting failure rate distributions.

Figure 1 shows the MCMC samples and the posterior distributions of the failure rates. In Figure 2, we compare the failure rates of two groups, $p_1$ and $p_2$. They have different average rates but overlap a lot, showing they might not be that different.

Figure 2. Posterior distributions of failure rates p1 and p2.

The distribution of the difference between the failure rates, $p_1 - p_2$, is shown in Figure 3. The difference is around $0$, it means there is no statistically significant difference between $p_1$ and $p_2$.

Figure 3. Distribution of the difference between the posteriors, p1-p2.

The MCMC method gives us more insights compared to Fisher’s exact test or the Chi-squared test. It helps us understand the data better, especially when we change things like sample size.

For instance, if we reduce Group 2’s sample size drastically, like by 7 times, we see in Figure 4 that the uncertainty in Group 2’s failure rate (denoted as $p_2$) shoots up because of the smaller sample size.

  Group 1 Group 2
Pass $29$ $2$
Fail $6851$ $578$
Figure 4. Posterior distributions of the failure rates, showing a wider distribution for p2 due to the reduced sample size.


Using the Bayesian MCMC method for proportion tests is straightforward and simple to put into practice. It gives results that are easy to understand. Unlike the Chi-squared test and Fisher’s exact test, this method also gives us insight into the uncertainty of all groups in the analysis.


Fisher’s Exact Test, Wikipedia.